Want to see the auction catalogues? Click here.
Something juicy for summer? Check out our many jewelry items!
“Art. Scarves. Books & CDs. Fun earrings. Bid on tiny items through the Tiny Silent Auction.”
Warren Wilson MFA Program 25th Anniversary Broadsides - Last Set!
Photo by Steve Wood | yourpaparazzo.com
live auction special musical guests alison moore & phil lancaster!
How will the auction work?
Part 1: the “tiny silent auction” will open wed., july 14 @9 am eSt and close fri., july 16 @9:30 pm EST. you’ll bid on items by submitting an online form (secret! blind!). One bid per item - highest bidder per item will win! click here to bid.
Part ii: intangible items (workshops, critiques & getaways) will be auctioned live on sat., july 17 @8-9:30 pm EST. winners of the tiny silent auction will be announced then.
Wondering how to attend the auction?
if you’re already attending wally camp, you’ll get the link through camp. If you’re not, register here.
‘Cause don’t we all feel a little dead inside when we’re working?
Three luscious getaways donated to the auction!
Lake Tahoe cabin!
Handcrafted. Exquisite. Books by Marie and much more in our art/collectibles catalogue!
“Critiques. Getaways. Workshops. Don’t miss out on these intangible items. Live auction only!”
Cozy knits and earrings!